Perception Health Puts Predictive Analytics to Work in Pandemic

Jul 08, 2020 at 04:21 pm by Staff

Nashville-based Perception Health, a leading provider of predictive analytics in the healthcare industry, recently released two new data briefs providing insight into COVID-19 patients in each state.

In the first brief, State Reported COVID-10 Data, company analysts have compiled and tabulated patient data reported by state health agencies since the beginning of April. In the second brief, Prevalence of Chronic Disease in COVID-19 Patients, data analysts have compiled more than 550,000 medical claims records and compared findings to a random sample of 100,000 commercial claims. The analysis found a strong correlation between the CDC's recommendations and actual claims data that detail the most prevalent comorbidities in COVID-19 patient histories, including higher instances of cancer and diabetes in COVID-19 patients.

"Our work is ultimately about saving lives, and we are proud to partner with healthcare organizations in their work to serve their communities," said Perception Health CEO J. Tod Fetherling. "As we continue to gather and analyze medical claims records, we also work hard to add insights and perspectives on the data, making it a valuable resource for our healthcare partners."

For more information on the briefs and other coronavirus insights, go to

Tags: COVID-19 Federal Telehealth Regulations HIT Lamar Alexander Technology Telehealth Virtual Patient Visits
Sections: Business/Tech