Supreme Court Rules Against Texas-Led Challenge to ACA

Jun 17, 2021 at 12:34 pm by Staff

In a 7-2 vote, the U.S. Supreme Court has dismissed a challenge to the Affordable Care Act, rebuffing a claim by a group of Republican-led states. Earlier, a district court had upheld the assertion by the Texas-led coalition of red states, later joined by the Trump Administration, challenging the ACA's constitutionality tied to the "individual mandate" and requesting the entire law be struck down. California then created a coalition of blue states fighting to keep the law in place.
The Supreme Court ruled Texas and the other states lacked standing since they failed to prove any harm from the provisions of the law they sought to overturn since Congress had reduced the penalty for non-compliance with the individual mandate to zero. In writing the majority opinion, Justice Stephen Breyer noted: "For these reasons, we conclude that the plaintiffs in this suit failed to show a concrete, particularized injury fairly traceable to the defendants' conduct in enforcing the specific statutory provision they attack as unconstitutional. They have failed to show that they have standing to attack as unconstitutional the Act's minimum essential coverage provision."
Justices Alito & Gorsuch were the two dissenters in the current decision. This marks the third time the Supreme Court has preserved President Obama's signature healthcare law since 2010.

Tennessee Justice Center On Supreme Court Decision On The Affordable Care Act

In response to the Supreme Court's dismissal of the case to strike down the Affordable Care Act, Michele Johnson, the Tennessee Justice Center's Executive Director, made the following statement:

Today's ruling is a huge victory for all Americans, including the 31 million people who were in immediate danger of losing their health care in the midst of a deadly pandemic. All Tennesseans can breathe easier today without the threat of massive disruption to our healthcare system.

It is still appalling that our state chose to participate in this lawsuit, which received widespread criticism from legal experts and leaders of both political parties.

The ACA affects not only those who receive coverage directly through the Marketplace, but all Americans benefit in some way from the many health reforms and consumer protections included in the ACA. The ACA protects people with pre-existing conditions and is particularly important for those who have long faced barriers to care, including Black and brown people, LGBTQ+ people, people with disabilities and low-income people.

Instead of trying to take health care away from tens of millions of people, it's time for Tennessee's elected officials to build on the ACA's successes and make improvements that will make health care more affordable and accessible. Both state and federal lawmakers must make coverage affordable for all Tennesseans.

Statement On Supreme Court Decision On The Affordable Care Act

Rick Pollack, President and CEO, American Hospital Association

June 17, 2021

The more than 30 million Americans who secured health insurance under the Affordable Care Act can again breathe a sigh of relief. But our work is far from over. We need to redouble our efforts to close coverage gaps and make care affordable and accessible for everyone, all while continuing to fight COVID-19 and encouraging more Americans to get vaccinated. The AHA is eager to partner with Congress and the Biden administration to make sure all Americans can achieve their highest potential for health.

AMA statement on U.S. Supreme Court's decision on California v. Texas

Statement attributable to: Gerald E. Harmon, M.D., American Medical Association President

"Today's decision by the U.S. Supreme Court is a victory for patients and for the gains in health care coverage achieved through the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The American Medical Association (AMA) is pleased that the high court rejected the challenge to the ACA, thereby upholding critical patient protections that are improving the lives and health of millions of Americans, particularly amid a global pandemic.

"With yet another court decision upholding the ACA now behind us, we remain committed to strengthening the current law and look forward to policymakers advancing solutions to improve the ACA. The AMA will continue working to expand access to health care and ensure that all Americans have meaningful, comprehensive, and affordable health coverage to improve the health of the nation. We have a plan--2021 and Beyond: AMA's Plan for the Uninsured--to do just that."

Editor's note: The AMA led an amicus brief in May 2020 that urged the Court to reject the challenge to the ACA.

AHIP Applauds Supreme Court Decision Instructing Dismissal of the ACA Litigation

WASHINGTON, D.C. - (June 17, 2021) - Matt Eyles, president and CEO of AHIP, issued this statement as the Supreme Court determined that the Texas-led states and individual plaintiffs lack standing to challenge the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in California v Texas:

"Every American deserves affordable coverage and high-quality care. This has been - and always will be - our commitment.

"We believe the Supreme Court rightly concluded this case does not belong in court, as the challengers have not suffered any injury. The ACA remains the law of the land and a foundational component of health care and coverage for more than 300 million Americans. After a year filled with unprecedented loss when reliable comprehensive health coverage has never been more important, this decision protects the stability of health coverage for people with pre-existing conditions, hardworking families, seniors, and other Americans who need it most. With more than one million more people having already signed up for coverage during this special enrollment period and millions more receiving their care through the ACA's Medicaid expansion, it is clear that Americans agree we should continue to build on the ACA to improve coverage and care for everyone.

"Health insurance providers remain committed to serving all of their members, and to strengthening affordability, access and choices for every American."

Sections: Regulatory/Compliance