Clinical Trials for Weight Loss Medicine Taking Place at Midtown Clinic

Jan 29, 2024 at 05:41 pm by Staff


NASHVILLE – Clinical Research Associates, Inc. in Nashville is coordinating clinical trials for popular new weight loss medicines, and is inviting members of the community to participate. The studies include drug treatment, diet and exercise coaching, regular check-ins with medical professionals, study-related care, and compensation for participants. Anyone with Type 2 Diabetes, has experienced a heart attack, or is at risk of cardiac events may qualify. Interested Nashvillians should express their interest by signing up for a medical pre-screening session at or by calling CRA’s team at (615) 329-2222.

Similar drugs in this category like Ozempic®, Mounjaro™, and others can be both expensive and frequently unavailable even for patients who can afford the medicine. Patients often overlook clinical trials as an option to access breakthrough medicine, and this opportunity allows patients to receive treatment while helping others.

“Our goal is to enable Nashvillians to access new medicine that can help them lose weight, gain better control of their glucose levels, and help advance medicine that can benefit their selves and their community,” said CRA president Linda Moore Schipani. “Participation from our community is very important, because this data can help researchers understand how new medicine impacts people differently across demographics and communities.”

There is no charge to patients who enroll in the studies, and there is compensation involved for their time, travel, and efforts. Patients will need to complete visits to CRA’s office at 1500 Church St. and undergo occasional blood draws. CRA has a full team of physicians, nurses, dietitians, and staff who have experience in direct patient care as well as research. However, the team does not replace the role of patients’ primary care physicians or other specialists.

To learn more, visit or call CRA’s team at (615) 329-2222.


Sections: Clinical